In the Press
"Motherhood & Melancholia Local experts debunk post-partum depression myths, and offer advice to suffering moms & their loved ones."
"When facing these issues, and everything in between, women deserve help and support which is why I am eager to introduce you to the latest editions to my expert panel, Dr. Strongin and Dr. Goletka , psychologists specializing in supporting moms experiencing difficulty with everything from breast feeding, post partum depression to dealing with a baby in the NICU, all the way through to the common mom anxiety we can all battle with at some time or another. Because let's face it, we all need and have a right to support!"
"NYC's Top Baby Gurus sychologists Alexandra Goletka M.A., M.S., Psy.D and Marianna Strongin, M.A., Psy.D of Parenthood Psychology Practice give expectant and new moms support for feelings stirred up by PPD, premature births, new sibling anxiety, and other emotional obstacles. Bonus: they'll come to your home or office, if you wish."
"Parenthood Psychology Practice is a mental health group focused on the needs of new and expectant parents, but unlike other practices, its office is your home. Local New York sessions can take place on a walk around the block or over your kitchen table; remote patients dial-up on Skype in the comfort of their own living rooms (and pajamas)."
"Services include Preemie Support, Single Crisis Visit, access to psychiatrists, Lactation Consultation, and a comprehensive Post-Natal Package, and this honestly sounds like exactly the kind of organization that I would have reached out to had I known it existed. In any case, it's nice to know that this kind of support is out there, if you need it."
"Goletka and Strongin schedule appointments at your apartment, in the hospital waiting room (if you have a preemie), or even during a walk around the block if that's what's most convenient for you..."
"Nobody can fully prepare a couple for the arrival of their first child. Relationships are often put to the test during sleepless nights, numerous visits from in-laws and an unpredictable schedule. However, the way in which a couple begins to co-parent in the first few months can often predict the role that each will take for years to come."
"The shift from being pregnant to becoming a mother happens in a matter of seconds and yet, few people emphasize the importance of preparing new mothers for this change. Sleep deprivation, 30 pounds of unwanted weight, cracked nipples, and a screaming baby make it nearly impossible to filter and organize one's thoughts in the days, weeks and months after giving birth."